5 Reasons to Study in Finland

Finland is the Nordic country of Northern Europe known as one of the happiest countries in the world. Finland is called ‘Suomi’ in Finnish. The word ‘Suomi’ means ‘land of lakes and islands’. The education system of the country is world class. Therefore, the country is at the center of interest of foreign students in the field of higher education. 5 reasons why the country is at the center of interest for students are-

Peaceful country

Finland is a welfare state. Therefore, the unemployed, sick, disabled and old people are given total support by the state. The country neighbors Sweden, Norway and Russia. The unemployment rate is only 8.7 percent. The main strength of society is equality. According to “The World Happiness Report”, Finland has been at the top position in the list of the happiest countries in the world for 6 consecutive years.

Best higher education

Almost all higher education institutions in Finland are public and autonomous. This country’s degree is widely accepted across the world for its timely course-curriculum and technical excellence.

  • There are two types of educational institutions in Finland, one type is called a university. The other is the University of Applied Science. Autumn and Spring – these two semester system of education. Spring Semester is from January to July and Autumn Semester is from August to December.
  • There are three types of scholarships in universities. 50 percent tuition fee waiver, 100 percent tuition fee waiver and the Finland Scholarship, which provides 5,000 euros for living expenses with 100 percent tuition fee waiver.
  • A two-year work permit is available after completing studies. After four years of residence, one can apply for permanent residence. Travel to Schengen countries is possible through the Schengen visa facility. Moreover, there is a discount on transport costs for students and huge discounts at various restaurants.

Scholarship opportunities

Here, applying for doctoral courses after doing Masters makes it much easier to get scholarships. Two scholarships are the most popular in Finland. These are –

  • Finland Scholarship: Awarded to meritorious students from countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Zone.
  • Finland Doctoral Fellowship: A fellowship is also for meritorious students from EU or non-EU countries. It offers fellowships for doctoral studies in research and arts universities. In addition to student allowances, 2,000 euros are provided for living expenses.

The language

Finnish and Swedish are the national languages of this country. But English is used everywhere. As a result, universities have the opportunity to take courses in all three languages.

Income opportunities

Finland is one of the most powerful countries in the world economically. There are plenty of opportunities for students to work here, undoubtedly more than any other country in Europe. Part-time jobs are usually in cleaning companies. Moreover, work is available in hotels or fast food shops. And to get other jobs, it is essential to know Finnish or Swedish language. Moreover, there are special benefits for students of computer science and information technology.

Universities that offer scholarships and fellowships

Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, University of Lapland, LUT University, University of Oulu, Hanken School of Economics, University of the Arts Helsinki, University of Tampere, University of Turku, University of Vasa, Abo Academy University.

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